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Uncategorized Archives - Page 2 of 2 - JS QUALITY - Quality Assurance and Inspection for imports from China Uncategorized Archives - Page 2 of 2 - JS QUALITY - Quality Assurance and Inspection for imports from China


PACKAGING QUALITY CONTROL: WHAT TO DO BEFORE PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION In the last decade, JS Quality has inspected myriads of goods in China factories. Of all the defects we picked up, the most redundant ones were related to packaging. Ranging from inadequate material and sizes, minor damages, inaccurate information, to unreadable barcodes, our Quality Inspectors have …

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  • First Article Inspection : Why you need it 20-08-2019

    In case you are an already settled manufacturer in the Chinese market, or you are planning to try your hand in this market as a manufacturing innovator, then you are at the right place. Suppose you have got the requirements and specifications from the client and you have manufacturedthe demanded goods. As well as you …

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